CeDAR Newsletter

CeDAR Connects Alumni Newsletter

April 21st, 2022 | Volume 11

Spring ushers in a newfound energy - one of both renewal and refreshment. As the old saying goes, "out with the old and in with the new." The practice of spring cleaning helps us to achieve this: getting rid of that which no longer serves us to allow more space for what does and what may. When thinking of spring cleaning, our minds may go right to our homes: going through closets and feverishly cleaning. While that type of spring cleaning serves a purpose, this is a recovery newsletter after all, and so I would ask you: do you need to spring clean your recovery? Quarterly (you can choose whatever frequency you'd like), I do a recovery check-in.
Head Shot
During this check-in, I ask myself what is no longer serving me? What is it I need and how and where can I find what I need? Asking yourself such questions can provoke discovery and elevate your recovery. If your recovery is feeling stale, it's worthwhile to consider how you can infuse new energy into it. Perhaps by checking The Phoenix or heading to CeDAR for a SMART meeting. Another practice is the review of what I call the nouns: people, places and things. Do any of these nouns pose a risk to your recovery? If not overtly, then perhaps they don't spur growth, keeping you stuck. This may fall under the category of "that which no longer serves you." To even the scales, ask yourself, "Who do I want to spend my time with and how do I want to spend my time?" This review may also reveal boundaries that either need additional maintenance or be set anew. As always, I am here if you want to strategize ways in which to spring clean your recovery! You'll thank yourself for doing so. Meghan.white@uchealth.org.

The Stories We Tell:

This month, Jean Unger, CeDAR alumni and contributing writer, speaks with Meghann Perry, recovery storyteller and coach. Meghann brought her performance talent and directing skills to recovery and formed her business coaching people in recovery on the healing powers of storytelling. She conducts workshops on zoom and in person and hosts story telling events. Stay tuned for a date to join the CeDAR community storytelling workshop!

Self-Management & Recovery Training:

We are so excited to have welcomed back CeDAR's first in-person meeting in close to a year: SMART Recovery. A bonus has been the addition of a SMART-Family & Friends meeting which is, you guess it, geared towards loved ones of those working through addictive behaviors. It's equally important for our loved ones to have options for how they choose to seek their own method of healing and growth.

In the article that follows, we hear from two SMART facilitators, Mark and Michael, and the new facilitator SMART-FF facilitator, Liz. I am so grateful to each of you for your dedication to bringing a SMART meeting to CeDAR.

A quick update on the status of other in-person meetings: We are in the process of welcoming back both familiar meetings and brand new meetings. I have been speaking with members of the Fitzsimons AA meeting for a near return. We are in need of CA & NA fellowship meetings, so if anyone has contacts or interest in starting a meeting for either fellowship, please let us know. Alumni-led meetings will remain virtual, until we get approval IRT residents can join, as well as Friends in Recovery AA and Recovery Dharma.

Cleaning Out Closets for a Good Cause:

We're not always the most lucid when packing to come into treatment. We may walk through the door with only the shirt on our back or we may hurriedly fill our bags with items it turns out have no use in treatment. I was recently speaking with an alumnus who said they packed only their ski gear; you never know when you may need that ski bib. Yet still, there are those who are completely starting over and need some essentials to make their journey a little more feasible. Whatever the reason may be, a clothing and toiletry pantry on campus can be a resource for all for all who need it.

A great way to give back to CeDAR is to consider donating your spring-cleaned clothing items to CeDAR's clothing and toiletry pantry. Read on to learn more!


  • CeDAR needs a therapy dog! Is your pooch certified or have you been wanting to start the process? Or perhaps you know someone whose dog is certified? Reach out!
  • We are looking for alumni to join an activities committee to help plan sober-social and service activities both in-person and virtual. On the docket: family trivia night, axe throwing. Join 4/21's business meeting, After Hours, at 8pm using the alumni meeting link.
  • Calling all green thumbs or those who like to get their hands dirty. We are need alumni to help with the garden: weeding, tending, planting. Reach out to help!

CeDAR Central:

The best resource for alumni and the entire CeDAR community is CeDAR Central. Here, you can find current meetings, activities, service opportunities, recovery resources & more. Please let us know your feedback!