CeDAR Newsletter

CeDAR Connects Alumni Newsletter

September 15th, 2022 | Volume 16

Happy Recovery Month 2022! To recognize and celebrate the profound transformation that is recovery, we are highlighting CeDAR Alumni in a new feature called Champions of Recovery. CoR introduces CeDAR Alumni, of varying recovery stages, with the aim of declaring we can and do recover and, in the process, we champion recovery. "Champion Recovery" came from CeDAR's motto of, "We save lives. We improve lives. We champion recovery." I think of this motto as a representation of the continuum of care we undergo in order to heal, transform and ultimately recover.
Head Shot
To champion recovery is to act with unwavering investment, support and allyship. Significant progress has been made in reducing the stigma that surrounds addiction and I think we can agree, yet more significant progress needs to be made. There are many strategies to go about achieving this. Bringing to light the stories of recovering people, from all walks of life, is one powerful way, I believe, we can make further progress in not only continuing to reduce stigma but in championing recovery. We are the underdogs. The deifiers of odds. The opposers to naysayers. We are the luckiest.
Who wants to grab coffee?! I am available to meet virtually or in-person (local to CeDAR). This is a great opportunity to talk about anything you may need recovery support with. Schedule a Coffee Talk and I'll bring you some CeDAR swag too!

Rocky Mountain Clean, A Remix:

Most of you know the song Rocky Mountain High by John Denver. If you don't, let's just say the high doesn't have much to do with a rise in elevation. One aspect of recovery is the ability to re-associate things we once associated with using to things we now associate with being healthy—with being clean. And so we'd like to introduce a new NA (Narcotics Anonymous) meeting to CeDAR: Rocky Mountain Clean. This group meets at CeDAR on Sundays from 6:30pm-7:30pm in the Main Lecture Hall (MB128). Please enter through the main doors and wear a mask while on campus. RMC is a literature study/ discussion meeting and is open. While residents still cannot attend in-person community meetings, the idea is to offer an established NA meeting for when they discharge. Please share the word!

Sober not Somber:

In this feature we highlight upcoming activities within the recovery community. If you would be interested in a remote service position, adding information to the event CeDAR Central Calendar, reach out—I could use the help!
  • Rally for Recovery 2022. Head on down to Civic Center Park this Saturday to celebrate!
  • Not one but two sober open mics this week! 9/16 at FREE hosted by The Phoenix. 9/17 at Red Rock Recovery Center in Lakewood.
  • If you have any recovery-related events you'd like for us to put on the CeDAR Central event calendar, let us know and we'll get it added.

Lights, Camera, Sandlot!

Well, many of you have been asking what will the movie be? The Sandlot was voted in as the feature film for 9/24's Movie on the Green celebration event on CeDAR's Campus. We haven't been able to have an on-campus event since 2019, so this one will be special. We can't wait to welcome you all back.

We'll have yard games, popcorn, Ben & Jerry's ice cream and a photo booth. Come at 5:30pm to grab your spot on the green, check out the new garden and fellowship with other Alumni.

We will be handing out sobriety chips at 6:30pm and showtime is at 7:15pm. Some things to note: masks must still be worn on campus. Do not bring in outside food or drink. Please also leave your phones in your cars/purses, if possible. All of these measures help to ensure safety for our residents which is always our top priority. Parking will be available in the garage across from CeDAR.

Please RSVP so we can properly plan! To do so and for more info, click here.